Mindset of Your Leads and their Buying Triggers

Benjamin Bressington
8 min readMay 3, 2017

It can be complicated to understand the mindset of your buyers when generating leads. That’s until you apply the JSN Method to Buying Triggers.

Each of your leads currently has a different mindset. The frame of reference based on their understanding or knowledge of the perceived problem. Along with a different sense of urgency to resolve this problem.

It’s hard to resolve a problem if you are not even aware you have it for example. That’s the mindset of the buyer we call “Just Looking.” This would mean if you want to engage them you need to engage them differently to the person who knows they have a problem and have a desire to resolve that problem yesterday.

How your leads speak and communicate says a lot about their buying desire. However, it is possible to convert any of these people if you know their current mindset. And that’s want I want you to understand by the end of this article.

The JSN Method helps you understand the buying mindset of your customers and how you can filter them into the appropriate sales funnels to convert leads into buyers.

The JSN method is also helpful when creating content online and offline. Because it can give you a method to frame the context, so it connects with your leads. There is no point writing content that does not connect with your audience.

The JSN Method will help you understand your ideal buyer demographics. If this has not been something, you thought about we can help you understand your demographics using our marketplace profiling tools. We can share with you over 3,500 specific insights about your ideal target customers based on who they are, to what they read, who they follow as influencers and the websites they visit. This demographic data becomes extremely valuable when you are looking to attract the right leads with paid advertising. Just reach out to our team at Support@QuizLabs.co and ask about our Demographic and Market Survey tools.

What’s the JSN Method to Buying Mindset Triggers?

J = Just Looking
S = Soon
N= Now

Let me break down these three types of mindsets.

Just Looking:

These people don’t even know they have a problem yet. This is also the type of person that will walk into a retail store and when asked: “Can I help you?” They will respond with “Just Looking.” Because right now they are just filling time or looking to be entertained. They are happy to browse the shopping mall because they are not looking for anything. They are happy to go with the flow and can get pulled into any direction or distraction that engages them.

This person fits your demographic based on age, sex, marital status, education, magazines they read or one of the many other factors.

The Just Looking person does not yet understand there is something missing from their life. You need to educate them about the problem they have and explain how they have the problem.

It’s really important to make sure your marketing is NOT about you, but about them and their life. Share stories with them of others who were in a similar position. Speak to their desires, pains, fears, worries and frustrations and show them there are other options.

Your intention is to show them they have a problem or a blind spot they were not aware of. So when they become aware you can turn up the pain and create the desire for them to take action.

You can engage these people through the use of lead magnets that engage them and captivate their attention. Based on their current point of view of life. Your lead magnet should always speak to the pain or challenge they are having now and some the simple next step solution that will solve the problem.

These lead magnets can be as simple as a video series, or PDF, or an email series, or a Quiz. Quizzes work well because they can be fast and fun plus allow you to extract data points of value from your leads so you can personalize your marketing to this lead.

Remember this person is seeking entertainment and a distraction from their life right now. So they are going to give you 5 seconds to assess if your lead magnet offer deserves their attention or not.

So keep it simple and make sure it can be consumed fast. The lead magnet you offer is created to exchange for their contact information so that you can continue the conversation. When you use a quiz or our QuizChatBot this lead capture data can be automatically collected so you don’t need to ask for an email as you already have the data within our system.


This person knows they have a pain and they know they have a problem that needs to be solved. However, the desire to take action may not be strong enough yet. They are waiting for the right offer or the right sense of urgency to take action.

For example, they know they have a marketing problem, but they may be overwhelmed and not know how to take the right action next. They may know they need to lose 10 pounds, but they don’t have a burning desire to start their exercises yet.

So how do you transition this person to take action now?

Your marketing pieces should be communicating to them how bad the problem is. It should be showing them the direct and indirect issues being caused by this problem. They need to understand the value of your solution and how it can help them in many ways.

You want to speak about how they can solve their problem along with speaking to the why they want to take action today? What are the real reasons they want to solve this problem?

It is important during this communication that you are perceived as the authority that can solve their problem. You should be looking to share case studies, stories and example of how you do it and how other people’s lives have changed.

The content you should be creating at this point is more feature rich. There are training videos, blog posts, how-to guides and other marketing pieces that dive into the details of their pain to identify the next steps to a solution.

When your leads are in the Soon mindset they are going to take action it is only a matter of time. The more important question is are they going to take action with you or are you going to allow them to take action with your competition. This is where you need to understand the buying cycle and what triggers you can push to influence them to take action.

Using a “Challenge” style campaign here can be a great way to have your leads engage with your content. This also positions you as the authority. You can deliver the challenge over a 5 day period or even a series of live events, webinars, or live group calls. The power content page model also works well here.


These buyers are in a totally different mindset because they are at the point of having a bleeding neck. When you have a bleeding neck, you have a massive sense of pain and urgency to take action. You know that if you don’t act you are going to lose out big.

Let me explain this context a little. Picture this. You are injured on the side of the road as you were in a car accident. You notice that your neck is bleeding. What’s the first thought you have? I need help. So you dial 911 to call for help while you are holding your hand on your neck to slow the wound from bleeding.

You are on the phone with 911, and they say “we will be there as soon as possible.” You hang up and notice that there is a car coming towards you. Are you going to wait or stop the car?

You notice that it is not a car but the ambulance. However, this ambulance is a Ford ambulance with a red stripe. You instantly have a conflict because your Dad told you all your life NEVER to get into a Ford Ambulance with a red stripe because they have bad mojo. So you need to choose what’s more important. Getting help or waiting for another ambulance which may or may not be a Ford. Plus you want the one with the orange stripe and hopefully, the Dodge as that would make your Dad happy.

In that moment are you going to wait for another ambulance or are you going to jump into that one can get help right now?

99% of people are going to drop their beliefs and get help in that instance because of the sense of urgency.

This is the difference in the mindset of the “Now” buyers. They want to act now, right in this instant.

This sense of urgency is forcing the buyers to take action. They want help now and don’t really care about price. They just want to solve the problem and get the results as fast as possible.

It’s your job to present your offer at the right time to this people. Because they are looking to buy NOW! If you wait you can miss the buying opportunity.

They understand the problem. They understand the need and they have money in hand and will do whatever it takes to get the result.

Great sales copy can create this desire and urgency for a buyer. Present your offer at the right time with the right time triggers can cause this bleeding neck sense of action.

You may have moved a person from Just Looking to Soon to Now all in the period of a conversation or your sales funnel. That’s the entire purpose of your sales funnel to move people through the mindset of buying.

How the JSN Method Works

The JSN method works specifically well with paid traffic if you know your 30 Day Customer Value and can convert leads into buyers within 30 days.

You start by captivating the Just Looking customers and moving them towards Soon actions.

Remember with your marketing you should have the three entrance points. Because your leads may be in conversation with someone else in your marketplace and you present your offer at the right time.

You don’t always need to start your marketing and sales funnel from the Just Looking mindset. You can start at the Now and this is usually how Google PPC works. Because the buying intent is different from someone using Google Search than if they are just on Facebook for example.

Each of your traffic sources can cater to these different mindsets in different ways. You can capitalize on existing opportunities in your marketplace by catering to these different mindsets.

We have experienced this conversion cycle from Advertisement to Quiz to Sale happen within 10 minutes or happen within 30 days. The choice is yours, based on your lead acquisition and lead conversion process.

Let us help you generate more qualified and interested leads leveraging the different Lead Buying Mindset by using QuizLabs. You can get started with quiz marketing campaigns for just $1 and get access to the entire www.QuizLabs.co platform.



Benjamin Bressington

Lover of coffee. cycling and technology. I Automate The Boring Stuff - So You Can Increase Your Profits! -> AutomateBoring.net